My story of finding universal laws

How did I discover the universal laws?! It was a long magical journey.

Video description: Caucasian Deaf woman with long dirty blonde hair wearing a black v-neck shirt with yellow unbuttoned blazer gold earrings and a gold ring on the right ring finger. She is seated signing for her content.

Video transcript:

I discovered the concept of that when I was in high school and I was into philosophy. I'd spend my time on weekends creating quotes about life. I was so curious about the depth of life and our purpose.

Fast forward to coronavirus, I dived into my spiritual journey. My story is found on my website. I moved to many places that year and that summer. I was a bit lost especially after a break-up. I wasn't sure where to go. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay in DC or go to Chicago. I am grateful that my roommate from college offered me a place to stay and I took the opportunity. I moved to Baltimore for the summer and it was the best summer. It was so refreshing living in a nice place and rekindling my connection with my first-year college roommate. I met several people there. I all of sudden met my spiritual mentor online and I am grateful for that experience. I was also challenged by a person on how I should know which religion I am into because I expected that person to have a similar belief as me. But then, I realized why am I supposed to choose one religion. I was curious about several religions but had the concept of believing in God. I looked up to see if there is any religion that focuses on several beliefs. I came across the word, "Omnist". I could relate to that and it says a person who is into several beliefs. Then it led me to universal laws. It just clicked with me!

Then I met several of my roommate's friends. I was talking to someone about how access to spirituality is limited. Then she recommended to Unitarian Universalist Church. She said there was an American Sign Language service in Silver Springs. Fortunately, there is an online service too. I signed up right there! I loved the concept of UU church and I met other Deaf people.

Then my dad brought up a book, it was written by my Rabbi Goldhammer who passed away recently. He wrote a book and it is titled, "This Is For Everyone". I grew up attending a reform Jewish temple that served the Deaf but never felt I belonged to a religion. I was surprised that my rabbi wrote universal laws with another Christian person. Reading the book brought me to a memory where my rabbi emphasized that if we want to leave that religion, we are free to do that and he will always welcome us to the temple. It shows that we have that religious freedom. And, it talks about how we should support each other regardless of our religion. We are one after all. You will understand more when I elaborate more on the universal laws!

I was looking for it all along and I am so happy that I discovered it! If you are the person who feels that you are not able to choose one religion, THAT IS OK! Because you don't have to! I am here to share my knowledge with you. It is all self-taught, true-biz!

Here its!

Book resources: "This is for Everyone" Universal principles of healing prayer and the Jewish Mystics."

-Douglas Goldhammer, DD & Melinda Stengel, LCSW

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